Jun 1Liked by Jennifer Barnett

i got married for the first time in a GS dress; lace over satin, deep V back, giant bow on my ass. turns out i loved the dress more than the dude 🤭

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Loving the dress more than the dude — how many of us have said that! (Many. Many of us.) Thanks for reading!

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I had my mother in law make me a replica-ish of GS wedding dress. Including a giant pink bow on my ass!

Dress became a throw back costume for my daughter 30 years later, kept the husband. Turns out he was a keeper.

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Oh how I wanted a Gunne Sax dress...and a harp, like Miss Bianca had. Which is perhaps why I had so few occasions for a GS dress: I imagined my life patterned after a white mouse owned by the ambassador's son.

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Rescue Aid Society!

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Mar 24Liked by Jennifer Barnett

The orange neon bow I had in 6th grade and loved so much. A summer listening to Mr Roboto on repeat. Getting those Esprit catalogues in the mail and feeling like, yep, these are my people. Driving into the Chicago burbs to go to the good malls and getting Gloria Jean's iced coffee, a Mrs. Field's choc chip cookie, and wishing I had the money to buy every single thing at the Gap.

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I wish I had an orange neon bow right now. And an Orange Julius.

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I just published a book about the 80s :-)

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What? I did not know that. Well I'm just going to have to figure out how to order it in Amsterdam then. You should probably come here and do a reading. Yeah buddy!

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I would love that!

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I live in a constant state of longing for earlier, more simple times. The 80s certainly had its share of craziness - big hair, shoulder pads, Valley Girls - but that's where it ended. There were no notification bells ringing constantly and no one could get a hold of you once you left the house. Ah...memories.

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It's so true. I know it's our reality, but the fact that people have constant, unlimited access to each other and there's an expectation you will always be reachable and available is absolutely exhausting. I mean, I remember when call waiting was a big deal. If you wanted to arrange to meet someone you had to have all your plans sorted in advance. So much more...

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Um...YEA. I live in my delusional fantasy of reliving earlier times through my Substack. I've found that increasingly, the constant, 24/7 connectivity, news and social media updates are just. too. much. My cell phone rings and instead of being curious (in a good way) about who's calling, the response is usually "WHO THE HELL IS CALLING ME NOW?!?" followed by expletives, while simultaneously hitting "Decline" on my phone. Like, what weirdo CALLS without planning said call first??

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Maastricht! Beautiful city! My husband is from Heerlen.

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Mar 30Liked by Jennifer Barnett

Oh my word!!

YES!! You finally publicly wrote about the Michael Meyers mask tale!

Amazed I am still alive after you told me that one.


Please share it with the world 😃

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I’m amazed any of us are alive after the Michael Myers in Mantua woods shenanigans 😂

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you and me both!!!!

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I feel like those years of my life are like watching a movie. I know I was there but I’m so different now that version of me feels like a character in a book I know the next chapters of.

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Class of ‘88 St. Mary - nuns said absolutely no s - High School of Lawrence, MA with 88 classmates! I’m ready to relive it all.

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I keep trying to figure out the formula for how I want to re-live it. I want access to my adult self for guidance, wisdom and money. Some sort of multiverse time travel where I have total agency. I wish it to be so.

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Mar 23Liked by Jennifer Barnett

Summer of 1988 sounds incredible, would read. :D

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Thanks Eric! I love that you believe in me. :-)

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Mar 23Liked by Jennifer Barnett

You're super talented! Happy to know you. :)

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Haven't heard the words ' Jessica McClintock or Gunne Saxe in awhile. Thanks for the memory. That was peak ~aspirational white girl~ back then.

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